GoReadMe! Campaign – Susan M. Toy’s books

In August this year, I had a great idea … and the very kind Seumas Gallacher allowed me space on his blog to not only write about the GoReadMe! Campaign, but also offered to be the first to have his books promoted using it.

He’s a brave man! While we may not have reached the target of readers we wished to attract within the time period we allowed, there were a fair number of new readers who discovered Gallacher’s books through this promotion, so I was pleased with the response.

I’m back now to do the same for my own writing, since I recently published a new novel in the Bequia Perspectives series. Here’s the background to the idea:

First, let’s go back a little way in time to a blog post I published in March of this year on the perennial subject that’s of interest to all authors – Looking for Readers in All the Right Places. (I had actually blogged about this dilemma a couple of times previous and those links are included in this post. If you are an author looking for readers then I suggest you read about all my previous ideas.)

We’re all familiar with the GoFundMe campaigns. They come in many different guises and are meant to help creators and business people raise the necessary funds required to launch and cover the expenses of producing a project by involving their friends directly in that financing.

So I posed the question, What about setting up a campaign called GoReadMe, and instead of raising money we raise awareness for reading and reading our books in particular?

That’s essentially the idea and how the campaign came to life. Here’s how it works:

We make the announcement that we are beginning a GoReadMe! Campaign for an author and we’re looking for 50 new readers who will “pledge” to read either one of the author’s books or a specific title. Not only will they pledge to read the book themselves, but they’ll also agree to recommend that book to another reader who will join in on the GoReadMe! Campaign. That way, we only need to find 25 unique readers, because those new readers will find the other 25 for us. The campaign lasts a month, during which time the author, and the author’s friends, promote the campaign, and the author keeps a public tally on their blog of the number of people who have pledged, and their names (or those who wish to remain “anonymous”), who have committed to reading a book and finding other new readers for it. Simple!

And, if friends have already read the author’s book(s) but still wish to become involved in the GoReadMe! Campaign, they can help by promoting this idea to their friends, encouraging others to become involved in reading this author’s great books!

In the end, what the “Readers” receive by pledging in this way is a warm/fuzzy feeling of not only discovering and reading a new book by a great author, but also the knowledge that they are helping to promote reading in general by becoming involved in this campaign in particular and encouraging more people to read.

By the way, I believe that the personal recommendation of a book by a friend is a much more effective way (word-of-mouth) of promoting a book than any review on Amazon or Goodreads, so that’s why I’m not suggesting that “write a review” be a requisite for readers pledging to take part in this campaign. No pressure, folks! Just pledge to read the book and find at least one other new reader. What can be simpler than that?

So, without further ado …

Announcing … the GoReadMe! Campaign for Susan M. Toy!

We need 50 people to pledge to read at least one of Susan’s books (listed below) and to recommend to one other reader that they do the same. You have 30 Days during which to pledge. This Campaign ends on Jan. 8, 2017. Please sign up in the comments section of this blog post. Thanks for taking part in this new GoReadMe! Campaign!


One Woman’s Island


Island in the Clouds


That Last Summer

(By the way, ALL of my eBooks are available on Overdrive for libraries worldwide. If you prefer to read borrowed eBooks from your local library, you will be doing me a huge favour by recommending the library consider adding my book(s) to their collecction. Thank you!!)

There you have it, Folks! Please consider pledging (below in the comments section) and recommending my books to other readers. Share and retweet this post at will! Let’s try to make this GoReadMe! Campaign idea a “Thing”, okay?

33 responses

  1. Susan Toy’s work is going international: this reader, at the moment enjoying “One Woman’s Island,” is Belgian/Flemish….. 🙂 I will be in touch again, when I have finished this lovely novel.

    1. Thank you, Bob! I’m so delighted to hear this that it makes me want to write more stories for you about my Belgian grandfather!

  2. I have read Island in the clouds and liked it very much. You put your own spin on the island life which made it interesting and funny at times. Some parts made me sad but that is life I guess. Will definitely read your other two books.

  3. I’m currently reading One Woman’s Island and I pledge to review the book on my blog, on Amazon, and on Goodreads. I also pledge to share the review links and to get the word out as best I can.

    1. Thank you, Tricia! And thanks so much for reblogging and sharing on social media!

  4. Reblogged this on Authors to Watch and commented:
    Why not pledge to support Susan Toy’s GoReadMe! Campaign?

  5. I have read and enjoyed both Island in the Clouds and One Woman’s Island, looking forward to the next book in the series .

    1. Thanks, Dan, for not only being an early reader but also for having reviewed both books!

  6. Reblogged this on Wendy Unsworth and commented:
    I had the pleasure to take part in the first GoReadMe campaign – take a look!

    1. Thanks for reblogging my campaign, Wendy!

    1. Vielen Dank für das Reblogging!

      1. Sehr gerne! Danke für die Erlaubnis! Wir wünschen Ihnen ein schönes, besinnliches Wochenende! LG mwz

  7. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    I read Island in the Clouds and loved it and I have One Woman’s Island waiting to read next… how would you like to commit to reading one of Susan’s three books in the next thirty days.. details in the post.

  8. I have One Woman’s Island next on my list.. looking forward to it.

    1. Thank you, Sally! And for reblogging, as well!

  9. I’m reading it right now! Sign me up.

  10. I have read Island in the Clouds, recommended it and One Woman’s Island is on my list. So I pledge. There. Done. https://islandeditions.wordpress.com/

    1. Thanks, Bill! Much appreciated.

  11. Reblogged this on Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog and commented:
    Readers “pledge” by writing a comment on Susan’s original blog post comments, letting her know you plan to read one of the books listed 🐵

    1. Thanks for reblogging, Mr. Ape!

      1. Welcome Susan 👍😃❤️

  12. […] Source: GoReadMe! Campaign – Susan M. Toy’s books […]

  13. I do have a question: How does a reader make the pledge for a GoReadMe campaign and how does an author get a campaign started? Once a campaign is started, what system is in place to calculate the number of pledges? Thanks!

    1. Readers “pledge” by writing a comment on this blog post. Just let me know that you plan to read one of the books I’ve listed and that you will recommend my writing to a friend. And anyone may start their own campaign on their blog. All I ask is that you link back to my blog and give me credit for the idea. Do let me know if you plan to organize a campaign and I will help you promote it on social media. Good luck!

      1. OK. Gotcha. Thank you. I’ll be in touch.

  14. Reblogged this on Pearls Before Swine and commented:
    What a most creative idea. A GoReadMe Campaign. I love that it promotes reading and support for authors simultaneously. Be sure to pledge to read at least one of Susan’s books. You have until Jan. 8th.

    1. Thank you for reblogging!!