A-R International: Sally Cronin

Sally Cronin
Authors-Readers International

I have enjoyed a nomadic existence living in eight countries including Sri Lanka, Malta, South Africa, USA and Spain, before settling back here in Ireland. My work, and a desire to see some of the most beautiful parts of the world in the last forty years, has taken me to many more incredible destinations around Europe and Canada, and across the oceans to New Zealand and Hawaii. All those experiences and the people that I have met, provide a rich source of inspiration for my stories.

After a career in customer facing roles in the hospitality, retail, advertising and telecommunications industry, I wrote and published my first book in 1999 called Size Matters, about my weight loss journey, losing 150lbs in 18 months. This was followed by 11 further fiction and non-fiction books, including a number of short story collections.

My first book release resulted in a radio interview in Spain that led to four years as a nutritional consultant for an English language station, and this was followed by four years with my own health show and Sunday morning show on local radio station in the UK and then as station director, newsreader and presenter for an online television station.

As a writer I know how important it is to have help in marketing books and from 2002 I have been working with authors on their book launches and publicity. At that time it was very much physical book launches and press coverage locally to stimulate national interest.. Today it is very different with a global market via the worldwide web.

As important as my own promotion is, I believe it is important to support others within our community. I offer a number of FREE promotional opportunities on my blog, linked to my social media. If you are an author who would like to be promoted to a new audience of dedicated readers, please contact me via my blog. All it will cost you is a few minutes of your time. Look forward to hearing from you.


I first met Sally Cronin online, because of the offer she extended (above) to help other authors with their promotion. Over the years, Sally has been very generous with that promotion – to me and to so, so many other authors located worldwide, and I just can’t thank her enough for her unending work in this field. But Sally is also a good writer in her own right, and I’ve had the great pleasure of promoting her work as well and in reading her books … this one in particular I enjoyed! (Read below to see what Sally is working on next concerning this book.)

Sally Cronin has also been supporting this series of author promotion, Authors-Readers International, by reblogging several on her own blog and sharing and reTweeting almost all of my posts! Thanks, Sally, for all you do to promote authors and their books, and for continuing to write and publish yourself!


Life’s Rich Tapestry

Life’s Rich Tapestry is a collection of verse, microfiction and short stories that explore many aspects of our human nature and the wonders of the natural world. Reflections on our earliest beginnings and what is yet to come, with characters as diverse as a French speaking elephant and a cyborg warrior.

Finding the right number of syllables for a Haiku, Tanka, Etheree or Cinquain focuses the mind; as does 99 word microfiction, bringing a different level of intensity to storytelling. You will find stories about the past, the present and the future told in 17 syllables to 2,000 words, all celebrating life.

This book is also recognition of the value to a writer, of being part of a generous and inspiring blogging community, where writing challenges encourage us to explore new styles and genres.

What Sally Cronin is working on now: “I have two books in process at the moment. One is a sequel to my 2004 Just an Odd Job Girl which follows Imogen as she begins a house-sitting service along with her husband … with some adventures along the way.

The second is a departure for me into the murder mystery genre set in the mid 1970s onwards to the present day.

The current promotions for authors and bloggers are doing well, but based on the popularity of the Christmas book fair in 2019, I will also be putting on a Summer Book Fair with guest posts from authors, as well as promotion for every author on the shelves.

For more information about Sally Cronin’s books, writing, and promotions, please visit her website.

To further connect with Sally Cronin, please check out the following links:
Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest

Sally Cronin has been a guest on Reading Recommendations a couple of times: Mar, 2015 and Dec. 2015.

33 responses

  1. petespringerauthor

    I’d like to add my name to the parade of people who think Sally rocks. She tirelessly supports so many authors, and I have great respect for her. I also enjoyed Just an Odd Job Girl, and now I’m reading one of her other books, What’s in a Name?

    1. Thank you so much Pete, that is very kind of you and I hope you enjoy the short stories.. Have a good weekend.

  2. Wonderful to find Sally featured on your blog today! ❤

  3. Thank you for the great interview. At Sally’s blog i found a new home 😉 and i am getting great information too. Michael

    1. Thank you Michael and for all your support…enjoy the weekend.. x

  4. It’s always nice to see Sally getting a bit of well deserved spotlight, yes for her own storytelling and her generous heart for promoting others. 🙂

    1. Thanks my friend… and for all the collaborations… one of my favourite things..♥

  5. Cheering for Sally. Lovely to see her talents and books showcased. She’s much loved and appreciated by many – I hope she know 🙂

    1. Thank you Pat and I am so lucky to be part of such a caring community.. and your support makes all the difference..hugsx

  6. Thanks again Susan and I have pressed for 6pm. today as always much appreciated.

  7. Reblogged this on Thoughts by Mello-Elo and commented:
    Sally Cronin shares her books and experience at Island Editions. To say this lady has been a force of support and strength for upcoming writers would be an understatement. Her helpful advice and welcoming nature has inspired me to keep going and to take my promotion of books seriously. Thank you, Sally, for your tireless support of indie authors.

    1. Thank you Eloise and delighted to be of any help I can. We are all in this together…hugsx

  8. Lovely to see Sally featured here she so tirelessly supports other authors and bloggers and deserves recognition in her own right…An enjoyable read 🙂 x

    1. Thank you Carol and for all your contributions to the blog and support hugsxx

      1. My pleasure, Sally… Thank you for your support… Hugs xxx

  9. What a lovely interview. Sally is the best! ❤

  10. Wonderful to see Sally out and about in the blogosphere. She’s much loved by many!

  11. Thank you very much for the wonderful feature Susan and your support is very much appreciated…

    1. You are more than welcome, Sally! It’s the least I could do after all you’ve done over the years for me and the many other authors you promote regularly!

      1. I will share tomorrow in the Blogger Daily Susan..thanks again.. hugs

  12. Wonderful to see Sally here, Susan. As you say she is incredibly supportive of indie authors and bloggers. Delighted to know there is going to be a sequel to Just an Odd Job Girl. I don’t know how she finds time to write her own books in between blog posts, responding to comments and finding, reading and re-blogging other posts.

    1. Thank you Mary… well I wouldn’t win housewife of the year award that’s for certain…xx

  13. Lovely to see Sally Cronin featured here. She is a wonderful writer.

    1. Thanks Robbie and for your ongoing support for my writing and the blog…x

  14. Sally is the most amazing person in the blogging world! I met her on-line when I was planning my move to Spain as she was living in Spain at the time. Little did I know at that time that she would be so supportive and helpful in promoting my books and my blog. Besides being a friend to all of us, she is an excellent writer. I´m so pleased to see her here.

    1. Thank you Darlene and don’t the years fly by when you are having fun. And too for your lovely comment and support of the blog.. hugsxx

  15. In an amazing coincidence, I finished reading Just an Odd Job Girl by Sally Cronin this morning! Then I opened my emails and found this. I enjoyed the book very much.

    1. That is wonderful to hear thank you Elinor…much appreciated.